Adria Baker
Dr. Adria L. Baker is Associate Vice Provost for International Education, and Executive Director of the Office of International Students & Scholars at Rice University, where she has worked for 20+ years. She also serves as the Lead for the Brasil@Rice office. Rice has won top international education awards for their strong Brazilian initiatives, including the 2020 IIE Heiskell award, the 2015 Senator Paul Simon Campus Internationalization, and 100,000 Strong in the Americas. Adria has enjoyed serving in leadership roles in international education, and her topics of publications and presentations include public policy and advocacy for internationals, immigration advising, cultural integration and other global academic themes. Adria was awarded a Fulbright in 2013 to South Korea, and serves as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador. She is Board Member of the Houston Fulbright Association Chapter and on the Advisory Board for the Houston-Guayaquil Sister City Association. She studied as a Rotary Fellow at the University of Costa Rica (UCR), where she has forged close relationships with Rice and UCR.