BRATECC Webinar Series in Partnership with Cafe com Cavanha
BRATECC valued Members and Partners such as the U.S. Department of Commerce / U.S. Commercial Service - Houston, Mattos Filho Law Firm, Squire Patton Boggs LLP, Mayer Brown LLP, Argus Media, IHS Market, among others brings top-notch information and data to help you to understand the complex scenario we are facing, how to foresee the course of changes, and how to plan for the unprecedented consequences through various economic sectors in the next months.

A Semana na Energia
3 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
Painel de discussão
Armando Cavanha, Cafe com Cavanha
Fernanda Delgado, D.Sc. da FGV Energia
30 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
Hibernação e Descomissionamento
29 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
O Novo Papel da ANP no Abastecimento Nacional
24 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
Onshore Óleo e Gás
23 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
Petronect no Novo Mercado
22 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
A Influência da Privatização do Refino na Distribuição e Revenda
20 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
Cyber Segurança em Óleo e Gás
17 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
China e US - Análise da Geopolítica nos Mares
16 de Julho, 2020
por Cafe com Cavanha
BRATECC & Partners' new webinar series is a series of webinars released weekly on our Social Media and monthly in our newsletter. It covers the many pressing subjects, like the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the plans to resume economic activity, and the path to restore life back to normalcy.
BRATECC valued Members and Partners such as the U.S. Department of Commerce / U.S. Commercial Service - Houston, Mattos Filho Law Firm, Squire Patton Boggs LLP, Mayer Brown LLP, Argus Media, IHS Market, among others brings top-notch information and data to help you to understand the complex scenario we are facing, how to foresee the course of changes, and how to plan for the unprecedented consequences through various economic sectors in the next months.
Our first webinars discussed themes such as consequences of the impact of the pandemic on Labor, Employment, and contracts in Brazil, as well as the antitrust enforcement in Latin America. Many other subjects will be featured with speakers from the most relevant organizations, universities, and companies. Check them out!